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to Our Privacy Policy Site

Thank you for using one of our apps. On this website, we will provide the most up-to-date privacy policies for all our apps available on the App Store.

If you need support, please contact:

Privacy Policy for the Just Note App

**Privacy Policy**

Thank you for using our app. Here is some information about our privacy practices:

**Data Storage in CoreData:**

The content you create, including written text, images, and inserted documents, is stored in our app's local CoreData database. This data remains on your device and is not transmitted online.

**Access to Apple Pencil, Images, and Documents:**

Our app can access the Apple Pencil as well as the camera and photo library and the Files app on your device to enable you to write, insert images, and import documents.

**No Online Data Transmission:**

We do not store data online or transmit it to third parties. Your created content remains on your device.

**Data Security:**

The content you create in the app is stored in our local CoreData database. Please note that we have not implemented any additional security measures beyond the standard security features of CoreData.

**User Rights:**

You have full control over your created content. You can delete app data at any time.


**Contact:**If you have any questions about our privacy practices or the use of our app, you can reach us at


This privacy policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our privacy practices. The most current version of the privacy policy will be available on this website.

Privacy Policy for the Extreme Tic Tac Toe App

**Privacy Policy**

Thank you for using our app. Here is some information about our privacy practices:


**Data Collection and Storage:**

We want to assure you that we, the developer, do not collect or store any personal data from the app. There are no game scores, player names, or any other personal information stored, either offline or online.


**Use of Google AdMob:**

Please note that we use Google AdMob to display advertisements within the app. Google AdMob may collect and use certain information for ad targeting purposes as described in their Privacy Policy. However, this data is not stored by us and is solely managed by Google AdMob.


**User Rights:**

You have full control over your game experience. You can play the game without any concerns about your data being collected or stored.



If you have any questions about our privacy practices or the use of our app, please feel free to contact us at



This privacy policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our privacy practices. The most current version of the privacy policy will be available on this website.

Privacy Policy for the Speed Reader App

**Privacy Policy**

Thank you for using our app. Here is some information about our privacy practices:

**Data Import and Storage in CoreData:**

Our Speed Reader App allows you to import texts and PDFs from your own documents. These texts are stored locally within our app's CoreData database. We do not store any of your data online, and it is not shared with third parties.


**User Control and Deletion:**

You have full control over the documents and texts you import. You can share, view, and delete your documents at any time within the app.



If you have any questions about our privacy practices or the use of our app, please feel free to contact us at



This privacy policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our privacy practices. The most current version of the privacy policy will always be available on our website.

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